Small Dogs Are Good With Kids, Top Ten

Small Dogs Are Good With Kids . It's not only phrase. It can be a true fact .

 Dogs can be so important and useful for their owner and small dogs are good with kids . We can used them for many things like hunting and grudianship .

 However a lot of us love dogs and most of them can be use as gift to our kids . In fact , having small dogs is accounted a lovely part of our kid's life and an important need to teach our kids how they deal with animals especially small dogs. There are several kinds of small dogs which are considered as the most useful small dogs with kids, here there are names for the top ten

small dogs which are good with kids like :

 1. Labrador These dogs can be consider as the top of small dogs which are good with kids ,where the Labrador female take the mother task with the kids and take care of them.

 2.Golden Retriever Golden Retriever small dogs are good with kids that because they can play with your kids , allowing them to climb over them and keeping them away of harm.

 3.Newfoundland These big dogs like a teddy bear which attracted your kids to play with them ,and they can play and protect them but your children should be a little bigger before.

 4.Beagle They are so kind with your kids , they can play all day and their amazing barking will make your kids laughing and feeling happy when they heard it.

 5.Irish setter A lot of people think Irish setter can used only as hunters , they didn't know that if they put them in their houses ,they will have a lot of fun.

 6.collie This kind of dog can be consider as the most gentle dogs with kids , they can herd your house animals and make your life so beauty.

 7. Whippet What about dogs you can match them and they are good with kids at the same time? Whippet dogs have this two features , they can put your kid on their toes and play with him all time.

 8.Pug This cute beauty dogs will give you a lovely feeling and steal your heart when you meet them. You can buy one for your kids to give them a lot of fun

 9.Basset Hound Although we are showen them as lazy dogs in the movies , they much more active in the real life especially with kids , they can play with them for long time and cozy up them after they finish.

10.Boxer They really soft and good dogs and they love family . Playing and protecting your kids. If I were you I 

 this was top ten of small dogs which are good with kids

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