how many breeds of dogs are there

are u ask your self, how many breeds of dogs are there?

When you want to buy a dog , you should know how many breeds of dogs are there and which one do you want?

You should learn about the different kinds of them and choose dog fit your house and your family.

You need to consider which breeds suited your character and the time which you need it.

If you choose the wrong dog ,you will face a lot of problems such as training , teaching and adoption problems that will give you a misbehave dog.

The more dominant on the breeds mean more effects on your demand.

Most breeds of dog are trainable to obey your orders and behave well but there are some breeds which are more agreeing than others .So, try to know the whole things of the different kinds of breeds and how many breeds of dogs are there."how many breeds of dogs are there"
Don't buy it only for its appearance , you should ask yourself before this mean questions :

1.who will take care of the dog?
The dog need to be a member of your family .So, you should know how you take care of it , and the true lifestyle of your family for feeding , outdoor play , exercise, ... etc.

2. Which kind of dogs do you need?
There so many different kind of dogs , such as hunting dogs, guradianship dogs , sheepdogs , lap dogs ... etc. is its appearance , size or color?
You should know whether you or once of your family has sensitiveness of dog fur or long hair. And if you want a large or small many breeds of dogs are there.

4.which kind of training do you want to train the dog?
It is important to know how you will train your dog and which exercise you need to train it.

5.where do you want to put it?
Do you want to breed it at your house or at special dog's house? much money you have?
As said before how many breeds of dogs are there although their price is different.

7.Are you ready to have a new member in your family?
Having a dog mean having a new member in your family and a new passion in your heart so that are you really ready to love that new member?

do u have the answer about how many breeds of dogs are there ? 
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