Choosing a Dog Breed: Large Dogs

The only real dogs are big dogs. Maybe just a big dog could have made the incredible journey from Scotland to Yorkshire committed Lassie "Lassie Faithful." The original movie Lassie was not only the best film of Lassie, but one of the greatest children's movies ever made. He played a young Elizabeth Taylor and Roddy McDowall. The faithful and determined Lassie was played by a border collie named Pal. If you plan to buy or adopt a large dog, it is important to research the different breeds of dogs in advance. Every breed of dog has different characteristics and only the right will be the best for your family and home.

Labrador Retriever- These beautiful family dogs and black sports can be yellow or chocolate color. Labs are intelligent dogs, versatile and user friendly. They are good around children and other dogs. Her hair is not long, but it's a double layer therefore requires regular grooming. The laboratories are large and active dogs, so having a patio would be preferable.

The famous German Shepherd- Rin Tin Tin was rescued from the First World War France and brought to the United States, where he acted in many films. Rin Tin Tin IV later starred in the 1950s TV series "Rin Tin Tin". Today, this breed is often used as a protection from the police and dogs, but can also be loyal family dogs. These dogs are big and strong and have a herd instinct, so proper training is essential. This highly trainable and reliable breed requires regular grooming and exercise.

Collie- Border Collie and Smooth Collie are considered varieties of the same breed in the United States and Canada, while in the UK are considered separate breeds. Other breeds include border collie collie size of the middle and bearded collie (race 15a below). Smooth Collie have short hair all Border Collies have a wonderful, full coat. Today, rough and smooth collies are mainly family dogs and show, unlike their ancestors grazing. With training, they can be very good with children and other animals. These sweet and intelligent dogs need regular exercise and grooming. The Smooth Collie actually requires more preparation despite shorter hair.

Or Retriever- equal Labs, Goldens are great family dogs, retrievers for hunting and versatile service dogs. Goldens have long hair with a beautiful double coat that can be various shades of gold. More regular preparation required. Very intelligent, gentle and friendly, this breed is an animal of the ideal family. These dogs are very good with children and other dogs and pets. It is an active breed that loves company and regular exercise. Having a garden is preferable.

Rottweiler- When you hear a "strawberry" or "bark" from behind you, rest assured that it is not a Rottweiler; this race is able to say "wow". Most of Rottweiler is not the biggest race, but can be the most powerful. These dogs are versatile dogs and excellent guard dogs work. However, this breed has a much quieter than the behavior Doberman Pinscher. Rottweilers can be family dogs, but good training is essential. These protective dogs require regular exercise, but the grooming requirements are minimal.

Doberman Pinscher- As the Rottweiler, Doberman usually has a black coat with tan markings. Dobermans are also excellent guard dogs. Doberman muscle is smaller than the Rottweiler, but is faster and more active. Doberman is a very aggressive race, he lives in the dog management is very important when buying one. There are good around small children and other animals. They are an active breed requires regular exercise and a great capacity for training. Grooming requirements are minimal.

Boxer- square face is a solid boxer and working dog. These dogs are loyal and protective companions, which makes them good watchdogs. With training, are good around children and other animals. They love the company and regular exercise. Only minimal preparation is required. Like all previous races, which has a fenced yard would be preferable. An apartment is possible with daily walks or outdoor exercise.

Famous San Bernard rescue dog in the Swiss Alps, the San Bernardo is one of the largest weight of races. These big dogs are intelligent, loyal and protective, make great family dogs. They are good around children and other animals. Put up with a bit of saliva and regular grooming are the disadvantages. These dogs need to be exercised regularly and having a yard is preferable. San Bernardo should not be placed in hot climates.

Husky- Siberian Siberia are the most popular breed in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. They have high strength and love to work. These dogs are good around children and large dogs, but not around smaller animals. Siberians should be in a cool climate and can tolerate extreme cold. These dogs need regular grooming and exercise. They are not dogs apartment.

Great Danes nice giant is one of the biggest dog in the world and the dog height world record belongs to a Great Dane named Gibson. These dogs tend to be guard dogs, but also make good pets. With training, these dogs are good friends around children and other dogs. They need regular exercise and featuring a patio is essential. Grooming requirements are minimal.

German Shorthaired Pointer This smart race and has active liver layer (brown), or liver and white. These dogs are versatile, tireless hunting rifles and dogs. They are good for an active family and do well around children. With training, they can get along with other dogs. The GSP is a faithful guard dog that requires regular exercise and minimal grooming. This is not a lap dog.

Greyhound- Greyhound is distinctly shaped the fastest dog breed in the world. These dogs may have layers of almost any color. These are versatile hunting dogs make good pets. With training, they do well around children and other dogs. Pets are a bad idea and a fenced yard is a must. Greyhounds need regular exercise, but only minimal grooming.

One of the big mastiff dog breeds in the world is the dog. There are many types like the English Mastiff Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff and Bullmastiff. This loyal and protective breed is often used as a guard dog. Despite its massive appearance these dogs are known to be gentle fellow family. Not recommended around small children and other animals. Regular exercise is a good idea, while only a minimum of preparation is required.

English Setter, Irish Setter, Gordon Setter- These beautiful and elegant breeds originally sought companions. The English and Irish setters were hunting dogs that have developed in the pointers. The Gordon Setter can be used as a personal hunting dog. Today, these dogs are wonderful family pets. Issuers need lots of exercise and attention. They require regular grooming and having a yard is recommended.

This Collie-, shaggy dog ​​with long hair beard is almost a medium sized dog. This race of the meeting is related to the Bobtail. These active and playful dogs are good pets. They are good around children and other animals. These dogs need regular exercise and grooming. A court is recommended.

Old English Sheepdog- Her hair has a tendency to cover their eyes. This shaggy dog ​​is greater than the bearded collie. These cheerful dogs make wonderful family pets. They are affectionate and good around children. They can also be awkward and may try to herd things. Require regular exercise and grooming, as it is paid during the warmer months.
see how many breeds of dogs are there

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