short article about the-best-dog-breeds-for-kids

When choosing the best breed of dog to buy or adopt your children, you can only give suggestions. Even the experts can not tell the dog breed is best for the children, because in general, any dog ​​can be the best, even the stray dogs. But despite the lack of clarity, there are some things to consider when choosing the best dog breed for your children.

First, you need to consider the age of your children. Toddlers and large breed dogs do not mix. Dogs love the company and love to play. A dog of medium size sprint can hit a small child. A large dog running at half speed can stomp your child. So consider this factor carefully, because the safety of their children is at stake.

The second factor to consider is the dog's personality. Any family with children need a dog that has a good temperament and intelligence. Dogs that have this personality are naturally good with children. Some dog breeds to consider are Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, beagles, poodles, German shepherds and collies and many others. But among these breeds of dogs, one of the best dogs for kids is a parasite. Because they are mixtures of different breeds, mutts are generally affable, well balanced and intelligent.

As mentioned above, any breed of dog has the potential to be the best for their children. While they are very well trained and give them the love, support and companionship they need, no matter what breed of dog will do for their children.
another article about The Best Dog Breed For Kids

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