The Toy Group includes most of the very small and miniature lap dogs and dog breeds roommate size. Toy dogs play a critical role in the lives of people who live alone and their presence can have beneficial effects on the health of the sick, the elderly and isolated people. Toys are popular companion dogs for people living in cities and adapt well to apartment life. Many toys are wary of strangers and make great watchdogs and do not require a lot of exercise beyond what they are running and playing inside. Toys make great traveling companions and are accepted almost everywhere. Dog breeds are always difficult to housebreak but usually adapt well to apartment life.
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If the toy is not completely house trained after 3 months then you should seek professional help. Toddlers and young children are too difficult for toy dogs that may bite in self-defense. Top 10 most popular breeds in the United States toys, according to the American Kennel Club registers 2005 are discussed below and their registration rank is included in brackets. The inclusion of the Toy Poodle as # 2 is incorrect as its rank is a composite of all 3 Poodle varieties - toy, miniature and standard. Probably belongs somewhere in the top ten, but not in the position # 2.
Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkie (# 3) almost reached the Golden Retriever as the second most popular dog in the United States in 2005. This wild dog toy is very popular because it has all the admirable attributes of larger dogs but in miniature. The typical Yorkie plays hard and has limitless energy. With persistence a Yorkie can be obedience trained. Some are bright and learn quickly, while others are more stubborn and headstrong. Yorkies get along well with other pets, but they can be very possessive of their food and toys. The Yorkshire makes a better pet for older and quieter children. Yorkshire barks at strangers, often in a high pitched voice. Early socialization for the dog not too shrill and to ensure barking is controlled is required.
Poodle (toy)
All the wonderful things you can say about a Standard Poodle do not apply to all toys or miniature versions. Toy Poodles (# 8) are less than 11 inches at shoulder height but the same American Kennel Club standards to make in all sizes. Toys are generally more sensitive than the standard and are also more active, louder and less confident. Socialization and training to fight against excessive barking and early lifting leg is necessary. Although these dogs are very small, they still enjoy lots of playtime and long walks. Toy Poodles will do fine with older considerate children.
Shih Tzu
The exotic looking Shih Tzu (9) is one of the toughest and most robust dog breeds. Shih Tzus are intelligent, playful, affectionate, friendly, confident and outgoing. Shih Tzus make great apartment dogs and companion dogs for the elderly. These charming and friendly dogs are devoted to their owners and their families. They make great traveling companions and rarely show aggressive behavior toward strangers or strange animals. The breed gets along well with older, considerate children.
The Chihuahua (No. 11) is the smallest dog breeds. Chihuahuas are intelligent dogs, charming and affectionate devoted to their owners. This breed needs close contact with his family and make great companions. Chihuahuas can have delusions of grandeur and self-confidence and will challenge much larger dogs. Chihuahuas are good with older children if raised with them. Chihuahuas are intelligent and can be trained fairly easily. Some Chihuahuas can be overly insecure and are prone to excessive barking and early socialization and training while a puppy is recommended.
The Pug (No. 12) is a small sturdy dog is one of the most popular and largest dog breeds. This charming, adorable and playful small dog will make you laugh. The Pug is a companion, even tempered, quiet, pleasant and friendly. This sturdy little dog breed is good with children and with other pets although toddlers and small children should be supervised carefully to ensure they do not harm the dog. The Pug does not need much training but enjoys the process and is fairly easy to train.
Pomeranians (No. 14) or "Poms" are one of the smaller toy breeds of dogs. The Pom is lively, cheerful and lively. This breed is a keen extrovert who is very inquisitive and must check all activities around him. The Pom is a proud and confident stuffed dog, even arrogant that requires early and thorough socialization with strangers to minimize its tendency to bark. This toy breed is intelligent, eager to learn and takes readily to methods positive and gentle training.
The Maltese is one of the all stuffed dog breeds smarter and gentler. This small, lively and agile dog toy like playing games. This toy breed is gay, affectionate, playful, smart and has lots of character. Maltese should have early socialization while they are puppies to give them more confidence and overcome their distrust of strangers and minimize their tendency to bark. Maltese enjoy obedience training and some will do well in competitions of obedience and competitive agility. This toy breed does very well with older, considerate children.
Miniature Pinscher
The Miniature Pinscher or Min Pin is the most active and dynamic of all dog breeds. Miniature Pinschers are full of energy, alert, loyal, intelligent and very courageous for their size. Min Pins think they are much larger than the size of the toy and can be aggressive towards other dogs. These dogs can be stubborn and need lots of early socialization and obedience training while puppies. The breed does well with children older than age and pets considered. Outdoors, this toy breed should be on a leash or in a fenced yard safely as they can disappear quickly.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (# 31) is a fun and happy toy spaniel that is higher than its close relative, the English Toy Spaniel. The Cavalier is a calm little dog, even-tempered, happy and playful. Cavaliers are excellent family dogs who even like to play with small children (always under supervision, of course). The Cavalier finds all nice people and love to snuggle in your lap and snuggle in their beds. However, these lovers of comfort Spaniels like to run in the yard and chase squirrels squirrels and birds. Cavaliers are easy to train but require early socialization as puppies to overcome their natural shyness.
Butterfly (# 35) is one of the oldest dog breeds in Europe and the French word for butterfly was used to describe this lively toy breed with the erect butterfly ears. The Papillon is a friendly dog, affectionate and intelligent that is much more robust than it appears. The Pap is definitely not a lap dog and is lively, active and loves to play outside and go for a walk. This breed is very intelligent and can be trained to be a good agility and obedience dog for competitions. If the Pap is socialized early and trained properly and not pampered and spoiled, it becomes a confident and outgoing companion who is good with older children and pets.
perfect dog breed
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